# Featured
A comprehensive guide to everything you need to know about
Testing Distributed Systems
How testing and formal methods fit together in practice, in a review of the paper
"Using Lightweight Formal Methods to Validate a Key-Value Storage Node in Amazon S3"
A review of the paper
"What's the Story in EBS Glory: Evolutions and Lessons in Building Cloud Block Store"
which discusses the evolution of Alibaba Cloud's EBS service architecture over the years.
# Contacts
- Professional profile on LinkedIn
- Twitter @asatarin
- Mastodon https://discuss.systems/@asatarin
# Bio
Andrey is a Staff Site Reliability Engineer at Google, responsible for ensuring reliability of petabyte-scale OLAP/query processing systems, ranking among the top five in scale at Google. He is an active participant in the distributed systems community and has served on the program committee of the Hydra conference.
Previously, Andrey worked on Amazon Aurora at Amazon Web Services, a distributed SQL database at Yandex, cloud antivirus detection system at Kaspersky Lab, an online multiplayer game at Mail.ru, and a low latency foreign exchange pricing service at Deutsche Bank.
He is interested in building large scale distributed databases and backend systems.